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What is surface chemistry?

15 Sep 2021

1. Surface chemistry is the study of interactions between molecules on a surface

2. It's important to understand how these interactions happen because they can affect the properties and performance of materials like coatings, paints, and adhesives

3. There are different ways that molecules interact with surfaces - one way is called adsorption which means that molecules will be attracted to or "stick" to the surface

4. Another way is absorption where some substances will soak into the material in order to create a thin layer on top of it

5. A third type of interaction is chemical bonding where two or more substances chemically react together in order to form new compounds

6. The last type of interaction is physical adsorption which happens when particles just sit next to each other without any chemical reaction happening at all.

 Surface chemistry is the study of how chemical reactions occur at surfaces. It can be found in many places, including how two liquids mix when they are poured into one another or what happens when you apply lotion to your skin. Surface chemistry is intriguing because it affects everything from medicine to environmental protection.

What do you think would happen if you mixed two different liquids together? What about applying lotion to your skin? This blog post will explore surface chemistry and explain why it's so important!

 When you think about chemistry, what do you picture? Do you imagine a huge beaker of bubbling liquid or something less exciting like balancing equations? You might not realize that there is more to chemistry than just the lab. The world around us is actually full of different types of chemistry that happen all the time. One type of surface chemistry is called adhesion and it can be seen when two surfaces are pressed together. These interactions between molecules on the surface play an important role in how things stick or repel each other. In this blog post, we will explore what causes these reactions and why they are so important for everyday life.

 Surface chemistry is an important and complex field of study. It's so integral to many industrial processes that some people, like the professors at, course link:, think it deserves its own classification as a science unto itself! If you're curious about how surface interactions affect things like coatings, paints, and adhesives - or just want to learn more about this fascinating topic - then we recommend signing up for our online course on Surface Chemistry today. You'll be amazed by what you can accomplish with knowledge of these interactions!

 There are many benefits to understanding surface chemistry. It can help you create more effective coatings, paints, and adhesives with better properties. But there is also a drawback if your company doesn’t have the scientific expertise in-house or on staff for this type of research. You may not be able to work with all types of materials that could benefit from these improvements because they don’t meet specific requirements like heat resistance or acidity tolerance. This course will walk you through how surface chemistry works so that when it does come time to make decisions about which material best suits your needs.

 Surface chemistry is the study of interactions between molecules on a surface. These interactions can affect how materials behave in different environments, so it’s important to understand them if you want to be successful with coatings or adhesives for example. Join our online course at, /surface-chemistry, course link: and learn more about this fascinating field!


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